Why a new blog? Why not simply include all that information in this one?
It’s primarily a matter of focus and scope. This blog, The Heart and Craft of Life Writing, covers all forms of life writing, from raw, spontaneous free writing (aka rants) and journaling, through simple stories and essays to formal memoir. It explores interrelationships between the forms as well as giving tips on working in any given one. All content in this blog is valid for writing by hand as well as keyboarded work.
Ritergal’s Tek Tips limits content to the mechanics of writing and includes anything related to using the computer. If you have questions about layout, inserting graphics, or anything like that, drop Sharon an e-mail at the address in the sidebar and she’ll post an entry.
The new addition, A Los Alamos Girlhood, gives you the opportunity to peer over Sharon’s shoulder as she works on her memoir by the same name. The blog will document process, not content. It will undoubtedly include accounts of confusion, frustration, and massive revision as well as excitement, exhilaration, and the thrill of self-discovery. Every book is a new adventure, a fresh start, and each brings its own writing challenges. Your comments are expected to be as helpful to readers (and also to Sharon) as the content itself.
This fragmenting of blogs has application to life writing. There is no one-size-fits-every-purpose way to write. Some topics are best expressed as essays. Journaling is a great way to document and explore. Memoir gathers and synthesizes massive amounts of memory material to develop and convey insight.
Perhaps the greatest challenge is to coordinate your writing, keeping the parts in balance so they work together to help you advance in self-understanding and awareness as they develop into a source of light and inspiration for current and future readers.
Write now: pull out your files, whether they be full or paper or digital, and do one or more of the following:
- Make a simple To Do list of unfinished work you want to get back to and prioritize the list.
- Identify finished pieces you want to pull together into a larger project and plan how and when to do this.
- Write a journal entry including your feelings about your writing. Is it satisfying? Do you want to do more? Do you have expectations about it, or is anything you do quite enough?
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