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Wentworth Miller : 'I tried to kill myself before my coming out' !

The actor revealed by Prison Break told this Saturday , in a speech during a gala for the rights of homosexuals , including Seattle , have tried to end his life several times before his coming out last August.

Wentworth Miller has chosen to reveal his homosexuality to light at the end of last August . A coming out applauded by gays and lesbians associations but also by other U.S. officials, including FBI actor : very special duo , the beautiful Matt Bomer . However, this has not been easy for the actor Wentworth Miller. Invited to a dinner hosted by the organization Human Rights Campaign , which advocates for the rights of gays and lesbians in Seattle this weekend , the actor gave a moving speech about his journey and the difficulties he faced , pushing it several suicide attempts.

" the first time I tried to kill me, I was 15. I waited for my family to go away for the weekend , I was home alone and I swallowed a bottle of pills , " he said to the audience before adding : " I do not remember what happened two days that followed, but I'm pretty sure that on Monday morning I was on the bus to return to school , pretending that everything was fine . " And the actor with beautiful blue eyes continue: . "When someone asked me if it was a cry for help , I said no, because I had talked to anyone you call using only when we can help you . I wanted to go. "

for most hard - apparently he was hiding, do not be yourself in public " I had many opportunities to speak my truth - I'm gay - but I chose not to do so ," said Wentworth Miller. For him, it was absolutely necessary to look "normal ": " Talking about the right way to keep it right (...) Every day was a test and there were a thousand ways to fail a thousand ways to . . betray . not to behave as what was acceptable for someone else , normal. and when you fail, what happens of course , there is a price to pay, emotional , psychological, physical ... like many of you , I paid the price. " At the time, it seemed to be the only solution , because, he says , he was " so scared that it impacts the career that I worked so hard. I was filled with fear and anger ."

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