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How To Trick Your Brain Into Eating Less And Lose Weight Effortlessly?

Looking to lose weight the easy way? Sounds like you need to trick your brain into eating less.

They say that our brain is more powerful than the most powerful computer in the world. It’s capable of processing thousands of thoughts with lighting quick precision. Despite this, the human brain is still vulnerable to being tricked. And if you want to lose weight the easy way, that’s exactly what you need to do. Don’t believe that your brain can be tricked? How do you think habits are formed? Habits are formed when we alter the way our brain responds to things. Instead of always craving a coffee in the morning, we can convince our brain that, actually, we hate coffee. Nothing is fixed. Indeed, the only reason your brain thinks the way it does is because you’ve spent years conditioning it to think that way. If you want to behave differently, all you need to do is trick your brain. Here are a few tips on how to trick your brain into eating less food and shed pounds:

Eat From Smaller Plates

Have you ever stopped to consider how BIG your plate is? It’s not something we think about. Yet compared to, say, the Japanese and their cute lil sushi dishes, ours are enormous. Are they so big because that’s the size they’ve always been? Or did someone, somewhere along the line decide they should be that big? It was actually in the 1960s when America introduced bigger dinner plates, no doubt to encourage us to eat more, to consume more – to spend more. And also to waste more! The result? People ate the WHOLE plate and put on weight. A dinner plate doesn’t need to be so big. The problem is, we fill our plates to the maximum with food and feel guilty when we don’t finish everything. Sometimes, we literally force ourselves to eat every last morsel. Otherwise, we’re wasting food and we’ll feel guilty. But do you know what? If you invest in a smaller plate and fill it to the max with food, your brain won’t know the difference. It will still feel just as full as it would if you were eating from a bigger plate. Why? Because you don’t need to eat SO much to feel full. You and your brain just think you do. This is one of the most efficient tips on how to trick your brain into eating less. From now on, try eating from a smaller plate and see what happens.

Practice Mindful Eating

Mindful eating is when we focus solely on the food we’re eating and nothing else. We aren’t distracted by the television, our phones, our laptops, our friends, our homework, our boss, our future – we’re focused solely on our food. When we block out all other thoughts like this, we become much more aware of what we’re eating. We notice every smell, every taste, every chew. And in so doing, we become so much more aware of how much we’re eating and when we should stop.

Don’t Eat While Watching TV

As powerful as we think our brains are, what’s really powerful is our subconscious. It’s a gazillion times more powerful than our conscious. In fact, our conscious only has the ability to focus on perhaps three tasks at the most at any given time. This is bad news whenever you snack and watch TV at the same time. Your brain finds it hard to focus on the two activities, with the end result being that Game of Thrones gets prioritised, while your snacking habits get pushed to one side. By the time the show has ended, you’ve eaten way more than you planned. If you must snack on something while watching TV, try something much healthier instead, such as grapes.

Eat The Bad Stuff Off Red Plates

If you must eat some junk or sugary snacks, try eating it off a red plate. Why? Because red is an alarming colour that grabs our attention. It signals danger – as well as Stop. As humans, we’ve been conditioned to see red in this way. The colour of blood, red has a relationship with death and horror. It’s also used as the colour of the Stop sign. This is a neat tip on how to trick your brain into eating less that can help to remind you that enough is enough.

Hold Your Plate In Your Hands

One of the biggest problem we have when trying to eat less is that we don’t always feel so full. So we keep eating and – when possible – we ask for a second helping. Not cool. There is a really easy way of becoming more aware of how much food you’re putting into your stomach, and that’s by holding your plate in your hands. When you hold your plate in your hands, you can actually feel how much food you’re eating. Because your brain is actually rather bad at separating your food from your plate, physically holding your plate in your hands gives your brain a good idea of how much the food weighs. As such, it’ll be more more adept at signalling for you to stop eating sooner rather than later.

Serve Yourself Around 20% Less Than Usual

This is another good tip on how to trick your brain into eating less. Can you get away with serving yourself 20% less than usual? Can you really trick your brain like this? Or will it pipe up with, “WAIT A MINUTE! YOU CAN’T FOOL ME!”? Yup, you can totally pull the wool over your brains eye with this one. Most people give themselves portions that are far too big, usually because they don’t want to waste food and reason that, since they paid for it they may as well eat it. However, we don’t need to eat such big portions. Try serving yourself around 20% less food than usual and see if your brain notices (it won’t, bless it).

Turn It Down

Lastly, turn the volume down. If you can hear the irritating sound of your own chewing, you’ll be more inclined to eat less. Otherwise, you’ll just feel super greedy!

Do you have other tips on how to trick your brain into eating less?

Stay happy!

from Beauty And Tips Magazine

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